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List Core Subjects Histology

nur itu cahaya
10 posters

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1List Core Subjects Histology Empty List Core Subjects Histology Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:49 am

nur itu cahaya

nur itu cahaya
Lab Coater
Lab Coater

Kepada sahabat-sahabat yang tidak dapat lagi,

List Core Subjects Histology
1) Respiratory System:
• Respiratory epithelium
• Olfactory Mucosa with diagram
• Differences (intra & extrapulmonary bronchi)
• Differences (intrapulmonary bronchi & bronchioles)
• Pneumoctes
• Interalveolar septa
• Blood air barrier
• Alveolar phagocytes

2) Digestive System:
• Lingual papillae & taste buds
• Epithelial cells of fundal mucosa with diagram
• Differences (fundus & pylorus)
• Epithelial cells of small intestinal mucosa with diagrams
• Changes at rectoanal junctions
• Differences (small & large intestine)
• Secretory acini of salivary glands (serous, mucous, mucoserous)
• Basket cell
• Differences (serous & mucous acini)
• Duct system of salivary glands
• Differences of major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular, sublingual)
• Exocrine part of pancreas (acini & ducts)
• Cells of Islets of Langerhans
• Differences (parotid & pancreas)
• Hepatocytes
• Von Kupffer cells
• Space of Disse
• Liver acinus
• Define classic hepatic lobule, portal lobule & liver acinus
• Biliary passages

3) Endocrine Glands:
• Acidophils & basophils of pars distalis
• Neurosecretory cells
• Suprarenal cortex
• Chromaffin cells
• Thyroid follicles
• Chief & oxyphil cells of parathyroid
• Pinealocytes
• APUD cells

4) Urinary System:
• Podocytes with diagram
• Blood renal barrier
• Mesangial cells
• Differences (PCT & DCT)
• Juxtaglomerular apparatus with diagram
• Male urethra

5) Male Genital System:
• Spermatogenic cells
• Sertoli cels
• Spermatogenesis & factors affecting it
• Interstitial cell of Leydig
• Epithelial lining of genital ducts
• Prostate

6) Female Genital System:
• Ovarian follicles (primordial,primary,secondary,mature Graafian,atretic follicles)
• Corpus luteum
• Ovogenesis
• Compare spermatogenesis & ovogenesis
• Menstrual cycle
• Structure & functions of placenta
• Placental barrier
• Differences (resting & lactating mammary glands)

7) Eye & Ear:
• Compare (cofnea & sclera)
• Describe histology of cornea
• List & explain cause of transperancy of cornea
• Describe histologically changes at corneascleral junction
• Describe refractive media of eye
• Describe choroid
• Histology of the retina with diagram
• Pigmented epithelium of the retina
• Differences (rods & cones)
• Fovea centralis
• Eustachian tube
• Organ of corti
• Macula & crista ampullaris

Cool CNS:
• Describe ascending tracts to cortical levels
• Describe leminisci of the brain stem
• Discuss short tracts in spinal cord; site, origin, termination & function
• Describe corticobulbar tracts & corticospinal tracts; origin, course, termination & functions
• Compare superior & inferior level of midbrain
• Discuss red nucleus; characters, site, connections, & functions
• Describe sensory pathways from face & head (pain & temperature, touch, proprioception, auditory & vestibular)
• Describe medial longitudinal bundle; definition, site, connections & functions
• Describe blood brain barriers; definition, structure & functions

9) For MCQ (20 marks)
• 40 Qs (mcq + matching)
• Topics covered (Female Genital System until CNS)
• 40% MCQ from MCQ department

*Allahumma zidna 'ilman nafi 'an war zuqna fahman wasi 'an, amin. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

2List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Tue Jun 14, 2011 3:02 am


Star Member
Star Member

Cool CNS Cool CNS Cool CNS

siapa ada nota CNS?? pinjam.

(ini bukan spam)

3List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:48 am


Star Member
Star Member

Nur Ammar, mcm mane dgn total mark pula?? dngr2 :

A. 10m=drawing
B. 45m=short questions..
C. 20m=Mcq

btul ke?mohon kepastian trima kasih..Sekian~

4List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:52 am



ismipahmie wrote:Nur Ammar, mcm mane dgn total mark pula?? dngr2 :

A. 10m=drawing
B. 45m=short questions..
C. 20m=Mcq

btul ke?mohon kepastian trima kasih..Sekian~

kalau datang drpd mulut selain head department(nur) jangan percaya bounce bounce bounce bounce

5List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:39 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

Hamz!! wrote:
ismipahmie wrote:Nur Ammar, mcm mane dgn total mark pula?? dngr2 :

A. 10m=drawing
B. 45m=short questions..
C. 20m=Mcq

btul ke?mohon kepastian trima kasih..Sekian~

kalau datang drpd mulut selain head department(nur) jangan percaya bounce bounce bounce bounce

20 m = mcq
15 m = drawing + label (5)
label d diagram + related question (5)
short Q + drawing (5)
40 m = essay
total - 75 marks

toi x..nk sahkan..

6List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:53 pm


Lab Coater
Lab Coater

ape different cornea and sclera??

sape dah jumpe table different dorg, share2 la yup!

aku jumpe sikit sangat...hehe.

7List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:35 am

afnan fakhrurazi

afnan fakhrurazi
Pro Member
Pro Member

nazirahanim wrote:ape different cornea and sclera??

sape dah jumpe table different dorg, share2 la yup!

aku jumpe sikit sangat...hehe.

short essay 5 markah kan? jadi basically nk wape point ? 5/10 ??

* xnk bazirkan masa tulis bnyak2..

8List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Fri Jun 17, 2011 9:11 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

afnan fakhrurazi wrote:
nazirahanim wrote:ape different cornea and sclera??

sape dah jumpe table different dorg, share2 la yup!

aku jumpe sikit sangat...hehe.

short essay 5 markah kan? jadi basically nk wape point ? 5/10 ??

* xnk bazirkan masa tulis bnyak2..

naz jupo brapo..tls la cni skli
pene : klu amek hok lam buku histo..ado lam 3 jerk kot..
ak google pown jupo mendo samo..malaih nok carik lg..xckup 5 mrkah nk tmbah habaq mai... Very Happy Very Happy

9List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:11 am


Star Member
Star Member

nwahdaty91 wrote:
afnan fakhrurazi wrote:
nazirahanim wrote:ape different cornea and sclera??

sape dah jumpe table different dorg, share2 la yup!

aku jumpe sikit sangat...hehe.

short essay 5 markah kan? jadi basically nk wape point ? 5/10 ??

* xnk bazirkan masa tulis bnyak2..

naz jupo brapo..tls la cni skli
pene : klu amek hok lam buku histo..ado lam 3 jerk kot..
ak google pown jupo mendo samo..malaih nok carik lg..xckup 5 mrkah nk tmbah habaq mai... Very Happy Very Happy

-ant 1/6 of fibrous coat
-covered e': str sq epith
-Bowman's membrane present
-Regular collagen bundles
-the fibres,cells & matrix have the same refractive index
-minimal hydration

-post 5/6 of fibrous coat
-covered e': conjunctiva str columnar with goblet cell which changes at the limbus into str sq epith
-Replace by subconjunctiva ct
-Irregular collagen bundles
-have different refractive indices
-high H2o content

sumber:MedAd TeaM

10List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Fri Jun 17, 2011 10:43 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

ismipahmie wrote:
nwahdaty91 wrote:
afnan fakhrurazi wrote:
nazirahanim wrote:ape different cornea and sclera??

sape dah jumpe table different dorg, share2 la yup!

aku jumpe sikit sangat...hehe.

short essay 5 markah kan? jadi basically nk wape point ? 5/10 ??

* xnk bazirkan masa tulis bnyak2..

naz jupo brapo..tls la cni skli
pene : klu amek hok lam buku histo..ado lam 3 jerk kot..
ak google pown jupo mendo samo..malaih nok carik lg..xckup 5 mrkah nk tmbah habaq mai... Very Happy Very Happy

-ant 1/6 of fibrous coat
-covered e': str sq epith
-Bowman's membrane present
-Regular collagen bundles
-the fibres,cells & matrix have the same refractive index
-minimal hydration

-post 5/6 of fibrous coat
-covered e': conjunctiva str columnar with goblet cell which changes at the limbus into str sq epith
-Replace by subconjunctiva ct
-Irregular collagen bundles
-have different refractive indices
-high H2o content

sumber:MedAd TeaM


11List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:27 pm


Book Addicts
Book Addicts

nak tmbh:

No elastic fibers
Responsible for transmission of light
Acts as one of refractive media of the eye

Has elastic fibers
Responsible for supporting the shape of the eyeball
Not act as one of refractive media of the eye

List Core Subjects Histology 1949351_o

12List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Fri Jun 17, 2011 7:40 pm


Book Addicts
Book Addicts

drpetemd wrote:nak tmbh:

No elastic fibers
Responsible for transmission of light
Acts as one of refractive media of the eye

Has elastic fibers
Responsible for supporting the shape of the eyeball
Not act as one of refractive media of the eye

List Core Subjects Histology 1949351_o

satu lagi, terpikir td...

Comes in contact directly to aqueous humour posteriorly

Separated to vitreous humour by choroid and retina

13List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Sun Jun 19, 2011 5:03 pm


Star Member
Star Member

salam,nak tanya sikit,
kalau ikut emel hazirah bg kat YG,
soklan tuk short essay with diagram tu,
lukis black n white je kan,except JuxtaGlomerularApp je colored.


so,kiranya diagram tuk epith of fundus dgn intestine tu,
kena ambil gambar yg mana tuk black n white?

adakah gambar cell sebiji sebiji spt dlm buku text tu?
pareietal cell sebiji... peptic sebiji...


ambil je gmbar dlm atlas cuma xyah color?

Question Question Question

14List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:19 pm


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

naqiyan wrote:salam,nak tanya sikit,
kalau ikut emel hazirah bg kat YG,
soklan tuk short essay with diagram tu,
lukis black n white je kan,except JuxtaGlomerularApp je colored.


so,kiranya diagram tuk epith of fundus dgn intestine tu,
kena ambil gambar yg mana tuk black n white?

adakah gambar cell sebiji sebiji spt dlm buku text tu?
pareietal cell sebiji... peptic sebiji...


ambil je gmbar dlm atlas cuma xyah color?

Question Question Question

naqiyan..klu ak la an..
bek prefer diagram blackwhite lam text book kot..
yg ad gmbar cell sejibik sejibik..
sbb lam forum medadteam..dr eman ad kater..
bcer sume lining epi tp maybe akn msuk one of them ke ..n so on..
n 1 mark 4 diagram lam short drawing...*.. What a Face Basketball flower

15List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:08 am


Star Member
Star Member

nwahdaty91 wrote:
naqiyan wrote:salam,nak tanya sikit,
kalau ikut emel hazirah bg kat YG,
soklan tuk short essay with diagram tu,
lukis black n white je kan,except JuxtaGlomerularApp je colored.


so,kiranya diagram tuk epith of fundus dgn intestine tu,
kena ambil gambar yg mana tuk black n white?

adakah gambar cell sebiji sebiji spt dlm buku text tu?
pareietal cell sebiji... peptic sebiji...


ambil je gmbar dlm atlas cuma xyah color?

Question Question Question

naqiyan..klu ak la an..
bek prefer diagram blackwhite lam text book kot..
yg ad gmbar cell sejibik sejibik..
sbb lam forum medadteam..dr eman ad kater..
bcer sume lining epi tp maybe akn msuk one of them ke ..n so on..
n 1 mark 4 diagram lam short drawing...*.. What a Face Basketball flower

okehh!! arigato wah flower flower flower

nah,untuk awak Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven


16List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:51 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

naqiyan wrote:
nwahdaty91 wrote:
naqiyan wrote:salam,nak tanya sikit,
kalau ikut emel hazirah bg kat YG,
soklan tuk short essay with diagram tu,
lukis black n white je kan,except JuxtaGlomerularApp je colored.


so,kiranya diagram tuk epith of fundus dgn intestine tu,
kena ambil gambar yg mana tuk black n white?

adakah gambar cell sebiji sebiji spt dlm buku text tu?
pareietal cell sebiji... peptic sebiji...


ambil je gmbar dlm atlas cuma xyah color?

Question Question Question

naqiyan..klu ak la an..
bek prefer diagram blackwhite lam text book kot..
yg ad gmbar cell sejibik sejibik..
sbb lam forum medadteam..dr eman ad kater..
bcer sume lining epi tp maybe akn msuk one of them ke ..n so on..
n 1 mark 4 diagram lam short drawing...*.. What a Face Basketball flower

okehh!! arigato wah flower flower flower

nah,untuk awak Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven


trima kasih awak..
4 d star...heeee Wink Wink Wink cheers

17List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:24 am


Star Member
Star Member

Rujuk di sini:
Kalau lukisan berdasarkan gambar hitam putih dalam buku teks,
sesetengah cell yang ada gambar je la yang akan masuk exam kan?
Yang lain tak perlu tumpu sangat lah kan?

18List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:48 am



Payapaya wrote:
Rujuk di sini:
Kalau lukisan berdasarkan gambar hitam putih dalam buku teks,
sesetengah cell yang ada gambar je la yang akan masuk exam kan?
Yang lain tak perlu tumpu sangat lah kan?

habis doh.
terima kasih semua yang berdiskusi di sini.
sedikit sebanyak dpt membantu

19List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Tue Jun 21, 2011 8:08 pm


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

Payapaya wrote:
Rujuk di sini:
Kalau lukisan berdasarkan gambar hitam putih dalam buku teks,
sesetengah cell yang ada gambar je la yang akan masuk exam kan?
Yang lain tak perlu tumpu sangat lah kan?

last reply..(lpas xm da abeh)
dan cell2 tuh sume xmsuk...'bagus la'... Very Happy

20List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:34 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

nwahdaty91 wrote:
Payapaya wrote:
Rujuk di sini:
Kalau lukisan berdasarkan gambar hitam putih dalam buku teks,
sesetengah cell yang ada gambar je la yang akan masuk exam kan?
Yang lain tak perlu tumpu sangat lah kan?

last reply..(lpas xm da abeh)
dan cell2 tuh sume xmsuk...'bagus la'... Very Happy

bukan olfactory mucosa masuk ke ?

21List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Wed Jun 22, 2011 7:33 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

abgkacak wrote:
nwahdaty91 wrote:
Payapaya wrote:
Rujuk di sini:
Kalau lukisan berdasarkan gambar hitam putih dalam buku teks,
sesetengah cell yang ada gambar je la yang akan masuk exam kan?
Yang lain tak perlu tumpu sangat lah kan?

last reply..(lpas xm da abeh)
dan cell2 tuh sume xmsuk...'bagus la'... Very Happy

bukan olfactory mucosa masuk ke ?

yg tu olfactory mucosa abul ..
yg nih pasai epithelium lining fundic mucosa n intestinal mucosa..
yg ada gmba cell sejibik2 tu..

22List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Wed Jun 22, 2011 8:24 am

afnan fakhrurazi

afnan fakhrurazi
Pro Member
Pro Member

udah2 gamaknya..exam dah habis lorh..

penuhkan inbox anatomy plak..

jgn risau2 , sume dah lulus dah histo tu..

23List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:07 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

afnan fakhrurazi wrote:udah2 gamaknya..exam dah habis lorh..

penuhkan inbox anatomy plak..

jgn risau2 , sume dah lulus dah histo tu..

xpa la ..bleh dpt star lg klu komen myk2..
haha. of luck tuk anat eberibadi

24List Core Subjects Histology Empty Re: List Core Subjects Histology Wed Jun 22, 2011 9:30 am


Book Lovers
Book Lovers

nwahdaty91 wrote:
abgkacak wrote:
nwahdaty91 wrote:
Payapaya wrote:
Rujuk di sini:
Kalau lukisan berdasarkan gambar hitam putih dalam buku teks,
sesetengah cell yang ada gambar je la yang akan masuk exam kan?
Yang lain tak perlu tumpu sangat lah kan?

last reply..(lpas xm da abeh)
dan cell2 tuh sume xmsuk...'bagus la'... Very Happy

bukan olfactory mucosa masuk ke ?

yg tu olfactory mucosa abul ..
yg nih pasai epithelium lining fundic mucosa n intestinal mucosa..
yg ada gmba cell sejibik2 tu..

tak apalah
nanti kalau keluar semua yang di spot
kena jawab 30 soalan esei pula
kan tangis dibuatnya

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